Francisco Ortega


Associate Professor at Institute for Social Medicine – State University of Rio de Janeiro

Ph.D. in Philosophy, Bielefeld University, Germany, 1995
B.A. in Philosophy, Complutense University, Madrid, 1991

He was Visiting professor at Bielefeld University, Oldenburg University and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Research Interests
Ortega’s current research focuses on the concept of the ‘cerebral subject’ as an anthropological figure and on an examination of the many emerging ‘neuro-disciplines’ such as neuroethics, cultural neuroscience, neuroaesthetics, adolescent brain, the cerebralization of autism and other psychiatric disorders. Ortega also conducts research and has published about ADHD in Brazil, the neurodiversity movement and autism in social networks. His books include Michel Foucault’s Reconstruction of Friendship (Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1997) and The Uncertain Body: Corporeality, Medical Technologies and Contemporary Culture (Portuguese 2008; Italian 2009; Spanish 2010; English version in preparation for Routledge). His most recent book (co-edited with Fernando Vidal) is Neurocultures: Glimpses into an Expanding Universe (2011). With Vidal, he is also at work on a book entitled Being Brains.


Book chapters